University of California Collection Development Desiderata

Saturday, September 30, 2006

White Raven, Black Lamb

Jovan Nikolic
Weißer Rabe, schwarzes Lamm
Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt 2006
ISBN 3854354681,
Gebunden, 96 Seiten, 14,00 EUR
Reihe: Romani Bibliothek

"Aus dem Serbokroatischen von Bärbel Schulte." Growing up Roma in the former Yugoslavia. Originally scheduled in German as "Spiel, Dragiša, spiel" (Play, Dragiša, Play). Where's the original?

Friday, September 29, 2006

Buick Riviera

Miljenko Jergovic
Buick Riviera
Schöffling und Co. Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2006
ISBN 3895613908,
Gebunden, 249 Seiten, 19,90 EUR

Jergović Miljenko
Buick Rivera
ISBN 953-188-151-0
Format: 13 x 20 cm, 227 str.
Cijena: 120 kn / 15,6 Eur
Godina i izdao: 2003., Durieux, Zagreb, 3 izd.

"Aus dem kroatischen von Brigitte Döbert." A man leaves Bosnia and ends up in Oregon, his true happiness a 1963 Riviera. Won the August Šenoa Prize.

Buick Riviera
Paris, Actes Sud.
Textes balkaniques
Traduit du bosniaque par Aleksandar Grujicic
septembre 2004 / 11,5 x 21,7 / 256 pages
ISBN 2-7427-5160-2 / AS1143
prix indicatif : 21,00 €

The Last Cigarette

Bruno Preisendörfer
Die letzte Zigarette
Ein Lieberoman
Eichborn Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2006
ISBN 3821807768,
Gebunden, 200 Seiten, 16,90 EUR

One man's three passions: women, literature, and smoking.

A Late Journey

Joochen Laabs
Späte Reise
Steidl Verlag, Göttingen 2006
ISBN 3865212468,
Gebunden, 603 Seiten, 22,00 EUR

The man who loved to ride: Strassenbahn to Superhighway.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Solstad : Swivel Chair and Other Texts

Solstad, Dag , Norsk 1941-
Svingstol og andre tekster
Oslo : Oktober , 1994
116 s.
ISBN 82-7094-666-4 ( ib.) : Nkr 198.00
ISBN 82-7094-943-4 ( h.) : Nkr 98.00

Seminal short stories and texts. New edition.

Solstad, Dag, 1941-
Svingstol. En samling prosatekster
Oslo, Aschehoug, 1967
87 p. 21 cm
NRLF PT8951.29.So5 .S9

Paal-Helge Haugen: Anne

Haugen, Paal-Helge , Norsk 1945-
Anne : roman
Språk: nynorsk
[Oslo] : Samlaget , 1968
80 s.

Haugen, Paal-Helge, 1945-
Anne : roman / Paal-Helge Haugen.
Oslo : Norske samlaget, 1968.
80 p. ; 21 cm.
NRLF PT9072.H384 A64 1968
SRLF PT9072.H293 A6

Out of print.

Dead End

Herbjørnsrud, Hans , Norsk 1938-
Blinddøra : noveller
Språk: bokmål
[Oslo] : Gyldendal , 1997
165 s.
Innhold: Blinddøra ; Avtrykk ; Kai Sandemo
ISBN 82-05-25262-9 ( ib.) : Nkr 230.00

Local history.

Pop Songs

Grytten, Frode , Norsk 1960-
Popsongar : noveller
Oslo : Samlaget , 2001
229 s.
På løst omslag: 24 timar, 24 stader, 24 songar, 24 historier
ISBN 82-521-5819-6
Nkr 328.00

Anatomy of melancholy in the pop song approaching the Arctic Circle. In Nynorsk.

Grytten, Frode, 1960-
Popsongar : noveller / Frode Grytten.
Oslo : Norske samlaget, 2001.
229 p. ; 21 cm.
ISBN 8252158196 (Det Norske Samlaget)
8252549527 (Bokklubben Dagens Bøker)
UCB PT9072.G78 P66 2001
UCLA PT9072.G78 P66 2001

Erichsen: National Satanists

Erichsen, Erlend
Oslo : Damm , 2005
ISBN-10: 82-04-11840-6
ISBN-13: 978-82-04-11840-0
Antall sider: 160
Format: Innbundet
Språkform: Bokmål
Utgivelsesår: 2005

A novel set among Scandinavian "Black Metal" musicians.

Culture and the Quotidian in the Ottoman Empire. From the Middle Ages to the Beginning of the 20th Century

Faroqhi, Suraiya
Kultur und Alltag im Osmanischen Reich
Vom Mittelalter bis zum Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts
Verlag C.H.Beck oHG
Wilhelmstraße 9, 80801 München
ISBN 3406396607
1995. 402 S. m. 14 Abb. u. 4 Ktn. 23 cm, 15
€ 29,90

How they lived; what they made.

Ottoman Fortress Occupations in Hungary During the Reign of Murad III.

RÖMER, Claudia
Osmanische Festungsbesatzungen in Ungarn zur Zeit Murads III.
Dargestellt anhand von Petitionen zur Stellenvergabe
Verlag : VÖAW, Wien.
ISBN : 3-7001-2195-4
Erscheinungsdatum : 1995
236 S. Text, 121 Faksimiles, 29,7 x 21 cm, broschiert

From more than 120 Ottoman documents: military history, social history, beauracracy, finance. Firm-ordered today.

Ottoman Bequests, Empowerments, and Contracts in Hungary and Transylvania

PAPP, Sandor
Die Verleihungs-, Bekräftigungs- und Vertragsurkunden der Osmanen für Ungarn und Siebenbürgen.
Eine quellenkritische Untersuchung
Verlag : VÖAW, Wien.
ISBN : 3-7001-3155-0
Erscheinungsdatum : 2003
320 Seiten+84 Seiten Tafeln, 29,7x21cm, broschiert
90,00 EUR eintragen/austragen in Warenkorb

Ottoman relations with Hungary after 1526. Firm-ordered today.

The Ottoman Book of Grievances of 1675

MAJER, Hans Georg (Hrsg.)
Das osmanische "Registerbuch der Beschwerden" (Sikayet Defteri) vom Jahre 1675
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. mixt. 683. Band I: Einleitung, Reproduktion des Textes, Geographische Indices
Verlag : VÖAW, Wien
ISBN : 3-7001-0604-1
Erscheinungsdatum : 1984
68 S. Text, 428 S. Faksimile, 30 x 21 cm, Leinen
142,44 EUR eintragen/austragen in Warenkorb

The Correspondence of Suleiman the Magnficent and Charles V, Ferdinand I, and Maximilian II

Die Schreiben Süleymans des Prächtigen an Karl V., Ferdinand I. und Maximilian II. aus dem Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv zu Wien
Verlag : VÖAW, Wien
ISBN : 3-7001-0569-X
Erscheinungsdatum : 1983
2 Teile, Transkriptionen und Übersetzungen: XXXII, 118 S., Faksimileband: 36 Urkunden in Faksimile, 30 x 21 cm, broschiert in Schuber

The official correspondence. Firm-ordered today.

"Berlin, My Love. Please Shut Your Eyes": Hungarian Authors On Berlin

"Berlin, meine Liebe. Schließen Sie bitte die Augen"
Ungarische Autoren schreiben über Berlin
Mit einem Nachwort von Ilma Rakusa
Herausgegeben vom Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD von Monika Dozsai, Gabriella Gönczy und Nina Hartl
Verlag Matthes & Seitz, Berlin 2006
254 Seiten, gebunden, Euro 18,80
ISBN 3-88221-109-1

László Darvasi, István Eörsi, Péter Esterházy, László F. Földényi, László Garaczi, Imre Kertész, György Konrád, Endre Kukorelly, Zsolt Láng, László Márton,Miklós Mészöly, Péter Nádas, Imre Oravecz, Lajos Parti Nagy, György Petri, Ferenc Szijj, Ottó Tolnai, László Vége: Wahlberliner.

Marcelo Figueras: Kamchatka

Marcelo Figueras
Nagel und Kimche Verlag, München und Wien 2006
ISBN 3312003776,
Gebunden, 317 Seiten, 19,90 EUR

"Aus dem Spanischen übersetzt von Sabine Giersberg." The dirty war: children interpret adult survival strategies.

Figueras, Marcelo, 1962-
Kamchatka / Marcelo Figueras.
Buenos Aires : Aguilar, c2003.
382 p. ; 23 cm.
ISBN 9505118163
UCB PQ7798.16.I336 K36 2003
UCLA PQ7798.16.I336 K36 2003
UCSB PQ7798.16.I336 K36 2003
UCSC PQ7798.16.I336 K36 2003

How the Soldier Fixes the Gramophone

Sasa Stanisic
Wie der Soldat das Grammofon repariert
Luchterhand Verlag, München 2006
ISBN 3630872425,
Gebunden, 320 Seiten, 18,00 EUR

Growing up into wartime: Visegrad. Is this up for the German Booker?

It was, but it didn't win. Die Habenichtse did. Stood next to Stanisic at the Luchterhand stand last week.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sloerdijk: The Rage and the Age

Sloterdijk, Peter
Zorn und Zeit
Politisch-psychologischer Versuch
Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 2006.
356 Seiten, Gebunden
Euro 22,80 [D] / Euro 23,50 [A] / sFr 41.00
(ISBN 3-518-41840-8)

Miroslav Krleža: The Complete Works

Miroslav Krleža
Djela Miroslava Krleže
izdavač: Naklada Ljevak, Matica hrvatska, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2000.
tvrdi uvez
ISBN: 150-53-
područje: književnost
cijena:3210 kn
glavni urednik Velimir Visković urednik Vlaho Bogišić

Complete in sixteen volumes: Sv. 1. Vražji otok Sv. 2. Tri kavaljera frajle Melanije Sv. 3. Povratak Filipa Latonovicza Sv. 4. Na rubu pameti Sv. 5. Banket u Blitvi, knj. 1. Sv. 5. Banket u Blitvi, knj. 2. Sv. 5. Banket u Blitvi, knj. 3. Sv. 6. Zastave, knj. 1. Sv. 6. Zastave, knj. 2. Sv. 6. Zastave, knj. 3. Sv. 6. Zastave, knj. 4. Sv. 6. Zastave, knj. 5. Sv. 7. Hrvatski bog Mars Sv. 8. Novele Sv. 9. Glembajevi (Proza) Sv. 10. Glembajevi (Drame)

Garbage. The Presentation of Stuff in German Pop Literature in the Sixties

Abfälle. Stoff- und Materialpräsentation in der deutschen Pop-Literatur der 60er Jahre
Hannover: Wehrhahn 2006
Herausgegeben von Dirck Linck, Gerd Mattenklott.
ca. 320 Seiten, gebunden, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen.
ISBN 3–86525–053–X
25,00 €

Meinecke: "Let things speak for themselves." How Brinkmann, Fichte, Ploog, etc., did it.

Who Wove Athena's Vestments? Women's Work in Ancient Greece

Rosa Reuthner
Wer webte Athenes Gewänder?
Die Arbeit von Frauen im antiken Griechenland
Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2006
ISBN 3593380293,
Broschiert, 363 Seiten, 39,90 EUR

What did they do? What did it mean? How do we know?

Scenes From A Country. The Films of East Germany

Wolfgang Gersch
Szenen eines Landes
Die DDR und ihre Filme
Aufbau Verlag, Berlin 2006
ISBN 3351026277,
Gebunden, 226 Seiten, 22,90 EUR

A history of East German cinema, from the first DEFA film "The Killers Among Us" (1946) to "The Architects" (1990).

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Vacuum Balcanicum

Beograd, Edicija Alfa.
157 str. tvrd pov.
cena: 400.000 klupska cena: 280.000 din.

Belgrade in the 1990s, for the young.

Yugoslavia. The State That Died

Dejan Jović
Država koja je odumrla
ISBN: 953-6460-32-7
Format: 13,5x21 cm, 536 str., tvrdi uvez
Cijena: 100,00 Kn 13,00 €
Internet cijena: 80,00 Kn 11,00 €
Godina izdanja: 2003

Whodunit? Party elites in Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia? The army? The party? The international community?

Trigger Happy

Trond Davidsen
Oslo, Forlaget Oktober, 1998.
KR. 98,-
ISBN 7094-847-0

Urbant, trendbevisst.

Solstad: Armand V. Footnotes to an Unpublished Novel

Dag Solstad
Armand V.
Fotnoter til en uutgravd roman
Oslo, Oktober, 2006.
ROMAN | IB. KR. 359,-
ISBN-10: 82-495-0420-8 | ISBN-13: 978-82-495-0420-6

Two friends, two careers. A critique from a Nordic eminence.


Sibylle Lewitscharoff
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, München 2006
ISBN 3421055963,
Gebunden, 240 Seiten, 18,90 EUR

Stuttgart, April 2004, Cafe Rösler: Ralph Zimmermann's booze-soaked, melancholy, regret-filled reverie.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Doing Well

Trude Marstein
Gjøre godt : roman
Paperback, 2007, 1. utg.
Oslo, Gyldendal, 470 sider , 11 x 18 cm
ISBN: 9788205366954

A northern panorama.

Vladan Matijević

Matijević, Vladan, 1962-
Prilično mrtvi / Vladan Matijević.
Beograd : Narodna knj., 2000.
153 p. : port. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Alfa.Proza;knj. 16
UCB PG1419.23.A85 P7 2000
Pretty dead.

Matijević, Vladan, 1962-
R.C. neminovno : roman o slučaju / Vladan Matijević.
Beograd : Rad, 1997.
169 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Znakovi pored puta.
ISBN 8609004724
UCB PG1419.23.A79 R3 1997
SRLF PG1419.23.A85 R3 1997
Irrevocably R.C. A Novel of Chance.

Miroslav Toholj

Toholj, Miroslav, 1957-
Mala Azija i priče o bolu / Miroslav Toholj.
Banja Luka : Glas srpski, 2002.
164 p. ; 20 cm.
Savremena književnost
ISBN 8671192385
UCB PG1419.3.O35 M35 2002
Asia Minor and Other Tales of Suffering.

Toholj, Miroslav, 1957-
"Sveti ratnici" i rat u Bosni i Hercegovini = "Holy warriors" and the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina / Miroslav Toholj.
Beograd : Izdavački Grafički atelje "M", 2001.
127 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
UCB DR1313.7.F67 T64 2001

Toholj, Miroslav, 1957-
Stid / Miroslav Toholj.
Beograd : Prosveta, 1989.
240 p. ; 21 cm.
Savremena proza (Novo pokolenje (Firm))
ISBN 8607004484
UCLA PG1419.3 .T572s 1989
NRLF XM90.17291

Goran Petrović

Petrović, Goran, 1961-
Sve što znam o vremenu : izabrana kratka proza / Goran Petrović.
Beograd : Narodna knjiga-Alfa, 2003.
244 p. ; 18 cm.
Moderna biblioteka (Narodna knjiga Alfa (Firm))
ISBN 863311027X
UCB PG1419.26.E847 S83 2003
Everything I Know About Time.

Petrović, Goran, 1961-
Ostrvo i okolne priće / Goran Petrović.
Beograd : Prosveta, 1996.
103 p. ; 21 cm.
Savremena proza (Prosveta (Firm))
ISBN 860700994X
Format Book
UCB PG1419.26.E847 O78 1996
The Island and Other Local Tales.

Petrović, Goran, 1961-
Bližnji / Goran Petrović.
Beograd : Narodna knji. Alfa, 2002.
126 p. ; 23 cm.
Biblioteka "Delo."
ISBN 8633106922
SRLF PG1419.26.E847

Petrović, Goran, 1961-
Atlas opisan nebom / Goran Petrović.
Novi Sad : Matica Srpska, 1993.
240 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Danas
ISBN 8636302544
UCLA PG1419.26 .P435at 1993
An Atlas Described in Heaven.

Petrović, Goran, 1961-
Opsada crkve Sv. Spasa / Goran Petrović.
Beograd : Narodna knjiga Alfa, 1997.
365 p. ; 22 cm.
Biblioteka Kraj veka
UCB PG1419.26.E847 O65 1997
SRLF PG1419.26.E847 O68 1997
The Siege of the Church of Saint Spas.

Petrović, Goran, 1961-
Sitničarnica "Kod srećne ruke" / Goran Petrović.
5 izd.
Beograd : Narodna knjiga : Alfa, 2001.
327 p. ; 23 cm.
Biblioteka Kraj veka.
UCB PG1419.26.E847 S58 2001
The Lucky Hand Five & Dime. NIN prize, 2001.


Gunnhild Øyehaug
Oslo, Cappelen, 2005.
ISBN 8202245885
Antall sider: 111

Short stories.

Maksimilijan Erenrajh-Ostojić

Erenrajh-Ostojić, Maksimilijan, 1921-
Poslednji Šabat / Maksimilijan Erenrajh-Ostojić.
Beograd : Rad, 2000.
131 p. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 8609006719
UCB PG1419.15.R46 P67 2000
The Last Shabbat.

Erenrajh-Ostojić, Maksimilijan, 1921-
Karakteristika : roman / Maksimilijan Erenrajh-Ostojić.
Beograd : Rad, 1999.
133 p. ; 21 cm.
Zbirka Ključevi
ISBN 8609006115
UCB PG1419.15.R46 K37 1999
SRLF AA0006915060

Alain Mabanckou: Pig Epic Memories

Alain Mabanckou
Mémoires de porc-épic
Paris : Seuil, 2006.
228 p. ; 21 cm.
ISBN: 2020847469

A sorcerer's picaresque, with spirit double. No cover, because the Seuil site is being rebuilt.

Zoran Čirić

Ćirić, Zoran.
Gang of four / Zoran Čirić.
Beograd : Narodna knj. / Alfa, 2005.
175 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka "Delo"
UCB PG1419.13.I63 G36 2005

Ćirić, Zoran.
Slivnik / Zoran Ćirić.
Beograd : Narodna Knj.-Alfa, 2004.
199 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka "Delo"
ISBN 8633114488
UCB PG1419.13.I63 S54 2004
The Cesspool.

Ćirić, Zoran.
Zen srbiana : srpske herojske priče / Zoran Ćirić.
1. izd.
Niš : Zograf, 2003.
92 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Biblioteka Despotice i despoti
ISBN 8675780435
UCB PG1419.13.I63 Z46 2003
Serb Zen. Serbian Hero-Tales.

Ćirić, Zoran.
Prisluškivanje / Zoran Ćirić.
Beograd : Narodna knjia : Alfa, 2002.
111 p. ; 22 cm.
Biblioteka "Delo"
ISBN 8633105462
UCB PG1419.13.I63 P74 2002

Ćirić, Zoran.
Kalibar 23 za specijalistu / Zoran Ćirić.
Beograd : Narodna knj. Alfa, 2002.
116 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka "Delo"
ISBN 8633107198
UCB PG1419.13.I63 K35 2002
Caliber 23, For Specialists.

Ćirić, Zoran.
Hobo / Zoran Ćirić.
2. izd.
Beograd : Narodna knj.--Alfa, 2002.
255 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Alfa.Proza
ISBN 8633103249
Format Book
UCB PG1419.13.I63 H63 2002
SRLF PG1419.13.I63 H6 2002
Hobo. NIN Prize.

Ćirić, Zoran.
Odbrana gradova : priče / Zoran Ćirić.
Niš : Prosveta, 1998.
95 p. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 8674553869
UCB PG1419.13.I63 O3 1998
Walled cities. Stories.

Ćirić, Zoran.
Nišvil / Zoran Ćirić.
Niš : K.P.G.T., 1994.
173 p. ; 21 cm.
NRLF PG1419.13.I63 N57 1994

Miodrag Perišić

Perišić, Miodrag, 1948-
Anđeo istorije i dnevni poslovi : eseji i kritike / Miodrag Perišić ; priredili Žaneta Đukić Perišić i Mihajlo Pantič.
Beograd : "Filip Višnjić", 2004.
559 p. : port. ; 20 cm.
Biblioteka Albatros ;knj. 108
ISBN 8673633885
UCB PG1408 .P47 2004
The Angel of History and the Daily Labors: Essays and Criticism.

Mihajlo Pantić

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Svakodnevnik čitanja : šta čitam i šta mi se događa II : lični azbučnik pisaca / Mihajlo Pantić.
Vršac : KOV, 2004.
186 p. ; 19 cm.
Biblioteka Nesanica
ISBN 8674970745
UCB PG1401 .P36 2004
A Reader's Diary: What I Read and What Happens II. Alphabetical Index of Authors.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Ako je to ljubav : priče / Mihajlo Pantić.
Beograd : Stubovi kulture, 2003.
161 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka "Peščanik" ;knj. 73
ISBN 8679790656
UCB PG1419.26.A522 A39 2003
If This Is Love: Stories.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Ogledi o svakodnevnici : puzzle III / Mihajlo Pantić.
Publisher Zrenjanin : Biblioteka Zrenjanin, 2001.
237 p. ; 21 cm.
Series Biblioteka Savremena proza ;knj. br. 27
ISBN 8672840429
UCLA PG1419.26.A522 O45 2001
Views of a Diary: Puzzle III.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Kiš / Mihajlo Pantić.
2., dop. izd.
Beograd : Filip Višnjić, 2000.
141 p. ; 17 cm.
Biblioteka Posebna izdanja
ISBN 8673632471
UCLA PG1419.21.I8 Z82 2000
Study of Danilo Kis.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Ne mogu da se setim jedne rečenice / Mihajlo Pantić ; pogovor Gojko Božović.
3. dop. izd.
Beograd : Otkrovenje, 2000.
178 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Pan ;knj. 1
ISBN 868335301X
UCB PG1419.26.A522 N4 2000
I Can't Feel Those Sentences.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Tortura teksta : puzzle II : dnevnici, eseji, poetički memoari / Mihajlo Pantić.
Podgorica : Oktoih, 2000.
251 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Tekst.
UCB PG1419.26.A522 Z475 2000
Torturing the Text: Puzzle II. Journals, Essays, Poetic Memoirs.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Sedmi dan košave : priče, po nekome / Mihajlo Pantić.
Beograd : Stubovi kulture, 1999.
179 p. ; 22 cm.
Biblioteka "Peščanik" ;knj. 54
UCB PG1419.26.A522 S44 1999
The Seventh Day of the Košava.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Novi prilozi za savremenu srpsku poeziju : ogledi i kritike / Mihajlo Pantić.
Priština : "G. Božović", 1994.
274 p. ; 20 cm.
Biblioteka Obeležja
ISBN 867019144X
UCLA PG1410 .P36 1994 Circ status
NRLF PG1410 .P36 1994
Recent Contributions to Contemporary Serbian Poetry. Views and Critiques.

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Pesnici, pisci & ostala menažerija (LP-priče) / Mihajlo Pantić.
Beograd : BIGZ, 1992.
171 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Nove knjige domaćih pisaca. Proza
ISBN 8613005462
UCB PG1419.26.A52 P47 1992
Poets, Writers, and the Rest of the Managerial Class (LP Tales).

Pantić, Mihajlo, 1957-
Aleksandrijski sindrom : eseji i kritike iz savremene srpske i hrvatske proze / Mihajlo Pantić.
Beograd : Prosveta, 1987.
247 p. ; 21 cm.
UCB PG1412.2 .P36 1987
The Alexandrine Syndrome: Essays and Critiques of Contemporary Serbian and Croatian Prose.

Semolj Country: An Alphabetical Novel of 909 Mountain Names

Vuksanović, Miro, 1944-
Semolj zemlja : azbučni roman o 909 planinskih naziva / Miro Vuksanović.
Beograd : "Filip Višnjić", 2005.
467 p. ; 21 cm.
Biblioteka Albatros ;knj. 114
Biblioteka Albatros (Belgrade, Serbia)
ISBN 8673634288
UCB PG1419.32.U487 S46 2005

NIN Prize, 2006.

With Crnjanski in London

Aćimović, Dragan R., 1914-1986.
Sa Crnjanskim u Londonu / Dragan R. Aćimović.
Beograd : Filip Višnjić, 2005.
116 p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Biblioteka Talas.
ISBN 8673634253
UCB PG1418.C7 Z515 2005

Joseph II and the Serbs

Edicija: Monografije
Josif II i Srbi / Joseph II. und die Serben
Autor: Medaković Dejan
Beograd, Prometej.
Broj strana/povez/pismo: 156/tvrd/cirilica
Dimenzije: 25x30
Godina izdavanja: 2006.
Nasa sifra: 00001025
ISBN: 86-7639-980-8

Bilingual (Serbian-German) study of Joseph II's Serbian policy (1780-1790): reformer, visionary, and ruler inspires Serbs to rise up against the Ottoman yoke.

Central-Eastern Europe and the Turkish Threat in the 1600 and 1700s

Titolo: L' Europa centro-orientale e il pericolo turco tra Sei e Settecento
Curato da Platania G.
Editore: Sette Città
Data di Pubblicazione: 2000
Collana: Cespom
ISBN: 8886091257
Pagine: 372
Reparto: Storia d'europa

Romanian Travelers In Sicily

Titolo: Viaggiatori romeni in Sicilia
Autore: Dumitrescu Margareta
Editore: Sellerio di Giorgianni
Data di Pubblicazione: 2003
Collana: Biblioteca siciliana storia e letter.
ISBN: 8838918295
Pagine: 198
Reparto: Geografia e viaggi

Romanian travelers, in search of healthier climes, have been coming to Sicily since its days in the Ottoman orbit.

Rome and the East. Leo XIII and the Ottoman Empire (1878-1903)

Titolo: Roma e l'Oriente. Leone XIII e l'Impero Ottomano (1878-1903)
Autore: Del Zanna Giorgio
Editore: Guerini e Associati
Data di Pubblicazione: 2003
Collana: Contemporanea
ISBN: 8883354206
Pagine: 443
Reparto: Religione e teologia

In the late 19th century the Catholic Church began to intrude on "the Eastern Question," as Russia's rival in defense of the faith.

The Setting Crescent: The Ottoman Empire in the First World War

Titolo: Il tramonto della mezzaluna. L'impero ottomano nella prima guerra mondiale
Autore: Rosselli Alberto
Editore: BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli
Data di Pubblicazione: 2003
Collana: Storia e biografie
ISBN: 8817108022
Pagine: 247
Reparto: Storia d'asia

Decline and fall.

Between Greek and Turk: Italian Diplomatic Sources on the Ottoman Empire in the 18th Century

Titolo: Tra greci e turchi. Fonti diplomatiche italiane sul Settecento ottomano
Autore: Lo Sardo Eugenio
Editore: CNR-Servizio Pubblicazioni
Data di Pubblicazione: 1999
Collana: Monografie scientifiche
ISBN: 8880800140
Pagine: 268

Exploiting the enormous fund of records and resources (found in Italy and Austria) from Italian diplomacy (Venetian, Neaopolitan, etc.) with the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century.

The Turks, the Mediterranean, and Central-Eastern Europe (16th-18th Centuries)

Titolo: I turchi, il Mediterraneo e l'Europa centro-orientale (secc. XVI-XVIII)
Curato da Motta G.
Editore: Franco Angeli
Data di Pubblicazione: 1998
Collana: Temi di storia
ISBN: 884640646X
Pagine: 448


Mafrici, Mirella.
Mezzogiorno e pirateria nell'età moderna (secoli XVI-XVIII) / Mirella Mafrici.
Napoli : Edizioni scientifiche italiane, c1995.
349 p. ; 24 cm.
Pubblicazioni dell'Università degli studi di Salerno. Sezione di studi storici ;7
UCB G535 .M34 1995

The Best Moose Critic. The New Frankfurt School In Words and Pictures

Schmitt, Oliver Maria
Die schärfsten Kritiker der Elche
Die Neue Frankfurter Schule in Wort und Strich und Bild
Frankfurt, Rowohlt
256 S., Zahlr Abb., HC
€ 14,90 / sFr 26,80
ISBN 3-8286-0109-X

The new Frankfurt School (F.W. Bernstein, Bernd Eilert, Robert Gernhardt, Eckhard Henscheid, Peter Knorr, Chlodwig Poth, Hans Traxler, and F.K. Waechter) celebrates its 40th birthday.

Quarreling With Dictators. Russian and German Experiences

Hans-Heinrich Nolte (Hrsg.)
Auseinandersetzungen mit den Diktaturen
Russische und deutsche Erfahrungen
Muster-Schmidt Verlag, Zürich 2005
ISBN 378811729X,
Kartoniert, 199 Seiten, 28,00 EUR

Anarchoschnitzel They Cried

Oliver Maria Schmitt
AnarchoShnitzel schrieen sie
Ein Punkroman für die besseren Kreise
Rowohlt Berlin Verlag, Berlin 2006
ISBN 3871345555,
Gebunden, 346 Seiten, 17,90 EUR

Chaos and anarchy: sex, cops, beer, rock and roll. "A punk novel for the better sort."

The Holy Drinker. Memories of Joseph Roth

Geza von Cziffra
Der heilige Trinker
Erinnerungen an Joseph Roth
Berenberg Verlag, Berlin 2006
ISBN 3937834141,
Gebunden, 141 Seiten, 19,00 EUR

:Mit einem Vorwort von Marcel Reich-Ranicki." A memorial to Roth and his world.

Is this a reprint?

Pessoa: Antonio Mora. Return of the Gods. Memories of Meister Caeiro

Fernando Pessoa
Antonio Mora: Die Rückkehr der Götter
Erinnerungen an den Meister Caeiro
Ammann Verlag, Zürich 2006
ISBN 3250104523,
Gebunden, 527 Seiten, 39,90 EUR

"Aus dem Portugiesischen übersetzt, mit Anmerkungen und einem Nachwort versehen von Steffen Dix."

Sunday, September 24, 2006

"Kiss My Ass": A Little Mozart Compendium

"Leck mich im Arsch"
Das kleine Mozart-Compendium
CD und 36-seitiges Begleitheft mit Kurzgeschichten von Wolf Wondratschek und Anne Zielke.
München, Blumenbar.
12,- Euro [D], 12,50 Euro [A], 23,00 CHF
ISBN 3-936738-22-X
27. Januar 2006

KV 231, the "Leck-mich-im-Arsch" canon, reworked as "Laßt froh uns seyn“ after Mozart's death. Rediscovered.

Jimson Weed

Leena Krohn
Aus dem Finnischen von Elina Kritzokat
München, Blumenbar.
ca. 200 Seiten
gebunden, 12 x 19 cm
18,- [D], 18,50 [A], 31,50 CHF
ISBN - 10: 3-936738-25-4
ISBN - 13: 978-3-936738-25-4
Erscheint: 28. August 2006

Natural asthma treatment brings on visions.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Years of Terror. The Dark Side of the CIA in Italy

Regine Igel
Die dunkle Seite der CIA in Italien
Herbig Verlag, München 2006
ISBN 3776624655,
Gebunden, 469 Seiten, 24,90 EUR

The CIA's role as agent provocateur in Italy in the 1970s.

The Market's Extension Far into the Evening

Hans-Peter Kunisch
Die Verlängerung des Markts in den Abend hinein
Ein Roman in Buden
Blumenbar Verlag, München 2006
ISBN 3936738211,
Gebunden, 258 Seiten, 18,00 EUR

Adrift in the center of town.

Stress. Performance. Resistance. The Cassette Underground in East Germany, 1979-1990

Ronald Galenza, Alexander Pehlemann
Spannung. Leistung. Widerstand
Magnetbanduntergrund DDR 1979-1990
Verbrecher Verlag, Berlin 2006
ISBN 3935843763,
Gebunden, 192 Seiten, 29,90 EUR

"Inklusive Doppel-CD, kompiliert von Bert Papenfuß, Bo Kondren, Bernd Jestram und Ronald." Prenzlauer Berg and beyond. The underground music scene in the DDR in the 1980s.

F. C. Delius: Portrait of My Mother as a Young Woman

Friedrich Christian Delius
Bildnis der Mutter als junge Frau
Rowohlt Berlin Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2006
ISBN 3871345563,
Gebunden, 128 Seiten, 14,90 EUR

Rome, January 1943. German, pregnant, husband delayed on the African front. The author's mother in the eternal city.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Ottoman Empire and the Italian Mezzogiorno in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Titolo: Impero ottomano e Mezzogiorno d'Italia tra Sette e Ottocento
Autore: Pezzi Massimiliano
Editore: Levante
Data di Pubblicazione: 2004
ISBN: 8879493566
Pagine: 208
Reparto: Storia d'asia
Prezzo: € 20.00

Bourbons, sultans, pirates.

Constantinople 1786

Titolo: Costantinopoli 1786: la congiura e la beffa. L'intrigo Spallanzani
Autore: Mazzarello Paolo
Editore: Bollati Boringhieri
Data di Pubblicazione: 2004
Collana: Saggi. Scienze
ISBN: 8833915735
Pagine: 327
Reparto: Biologia e scienze della vita
Prezzo: € 24.00

Lazzaro Spallanzani, professor of natural history at the University of Pavia, traveled throughout the Ottoman Empire in 1785-1786 on a research trip, leaving behind an exhaustive research report on Istanbul and its inhabitants.

Travels in Armenia, Kuristan, and Lazistan

Titolo: Viaggi in Armenia, Kurdistan e Lazistan
Autore: De Bianchi Alessandro
Curato da Galletti M.
Editore: Argo
Data di Pubblicazione: 2005
Collana: Il pianeta scritto
ISBN: 8882343227
Pagine: 321
Reparto: Geografia e viaggi
Prezzo: € 16

1959: An Italian patriot, escaping Austrian oppression, turns east from the Sublime Porte, serving the Ottoman imperial guard.

A History of Contemporary Albania

Titolo: Storia dell'Albania contemporanea
Autore: Biagini Antonello
Editore: Bompiani
Edizione: 4
Data di Pubblicazione: 2005
Collana: Storia paperback
ISBN: 8845234045
Pagine: 168
Reparto: Storia d'europa
Prezzo: € 8.50

A History of the Middle East (1798-2005)

Titolo: Storia del Medio Oriente (1798-2005)
Autore: Campanini Massimo
Editore: Il Mulino
Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
Collana: Universale paperbacks Il Mulino
ISBN: 8815113703
Pagine: 257
Reparto: Storia d'asia
Prezzo: € 13.00

The Armenian Genocide

Titolo: Il genocidio degli armeni
Autore: Flores Marcello
Editore: Il Mulino
Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
Collana: Biblioteca storica
ISBN: 8815104887
Pagine: 295
Reparto: Storia d'asia
Prezzo: € 22.00

Turqueries: Images of the Ottoman World in 17th-Century Europe

Titolo: Turqueries: immagini dal mondo ottomano nell'Europa del XVII secolo. Ediz. italiana e inglese
Curato da Vidmar P.
Editore: Forum Edizioni
Data di Pubblicazione: 2006
ISBN: 8884203589
Pagine: 64
Prezzo: € 12.00


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Slobodan Šnajder: Collected Works

Slobodan Šnajder
IZABRANA DJELA (Knjiga o sitnom, Kaspariana, Smrtopis)
Zagreb, Prometej 2006.
ISBN: 953-6460-53-X
ISBN: 953-6460-51-3
Format: 14x21 cm, tvrdi uvez
Cijena: 0,00 Kn 0,00 €
Internet cijena: 0,00 Kn 0,00 €

Witnesses to Krleža's Departure

Eliza Gerner – Milan Arko
Zagreb, Prometej, 2002.
ISBN: 953-6460-25-4
Format: Format: 13,5 x 21 cm, 224 str., broširano
Cijena: 80,00 Kn 11,00 €
Internet cijena: 64,00 Kn 9,00 €

Old friends remember Miroslav Krleža.

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