University of California Collection Development Desiderata

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Habermas: Philosophical Texts

Jürgen Habermas
Philosophische Texte
Studienausgabe in fünf Bänden
Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2009
ISBN-10 3518585150
ISBN-13 9783518585153
Kartoniert, 1600 Seiten, 78,00 EUR

I have devoted no books to the themes that underlie my philosophical interests in their narrowest sense -- neither the theoretical-linguistic foundations of sociology, nor the formal-pragmatic conceptions of language and rationality, nor the ethics of discourse, nor political philosophy, nor the status of post-metaphysical thought. Only in retrospect did this occur to me, and I do not know whether I should regard it as defect." Zum 80. To firm order.

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